Do more with Otonomos

In this post, we look back to what kept the development desk busy on February and what we will be working in in March and beyond.
We are building a specialized AI for all your company needs.

Great progress has been made by the Otonomos dev team over the month of February.

The dashboard has seen the addition of new features and performance updates. Development of the new admin project is also moving forward successfully.

In February we completed the following milestones:

  • New Online Forms
  • Forms made even easier
  • Entity Staging Completed
  • Additional US States

New online forms

Following the successful launch of our digital verification tool last month, we have expanded our suite of online forms to include popular jurisdictions.

We are pleased to announce the addition of online forms for the Panama IBC, Panama Foundation, and Cayman ELC.

Forms made even easier

The latest update allows you to streamline the process of creating a new company application by selecting your existing entities as participants.

Since all the required information is already on file, you no longer have to re-enter it, making the application process smoother than ever! 

Database refresh

The dev team has been working hard on a refresh of our proprietary database for the past year.

This month we completed the entity staging section which processes all the new incorporations.

This is the driver to create new entities in our database which will be the next milestone that is being worked on. After that we have all the major milestones out of the way which brings us closer to wrapping up the database refresh!

Additional US States

Traditionally Otonomos offered two US states online: 

  • Delaware, for its solid jurisprudence
  • Wyoming, for its crypto friendly nature

Now that Delaware has become less predictable and other States like Texas are becoming more favorable it only makes sense to widen our offering as well!

Progress on our specialized AI

Over the years, Otonomos has built a deep repository of knowledge about jurisdictions, company formation and corporate actions, from how to increase capital to the use of nominees and other company-related esoterics.

Instead of locking this knowledge up behind a paywall, in March we are set to release our new Otonomos sidekick, a specialized AI agent that lets users prompt for answers to their most frequently asked questions.

AI roadmap

The next evolution is for your Otonomos AI Agent to help with the incorporation and maintenance of all the entities you ordered from us, eventually putting an army of AI Agents at your fingertips to perform most of the task you'd ask a human corporate secretary to do.

Keep checking this space to be the first to know about it!

> Order a company from Otonomos today and experience our dashboard.

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